January 18, 2023
Clinical Outcomes
Article / Publication

International diabetes experts recently collaborated to provide recommendations on how to optimize CGM-derived glucose data collection in clinical studies, including the specific glucose metrics and specific glucose metrics that should be evaluated. These consensus recommendations have been endorsed by key professional organizations, including the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Diabetes Association, the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, Diabetes India, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, the Japanese Diabetes Society, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. This recommended standardized approach to CGM data collection and reporting in clinical trials will encourage the use of uniform metrics and enhance the interpretability of CGM data. Managed care and payer professionals should note that these metrics offer a body of useful information beyond HbA1c to inform therapeutic and treatment decisions, particularly related to hypoglycemia, postprandial hyperglycemia, and glucose variability.

Battelino T, Alexander CM, Amiel SA, et al. Continuous glucose monitoring and metrics for clinical trials: an international consensus statement. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2023;11:42-57.

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January 18, 2023
Coverage and Benefit Design
Article / Publication

Pharmacy professionals and a payer representative convened an expert panel to connect available evidence and the panelists’ extensive experiences on the value of RT-CGM in improving patient quality of life. In addition, the panelists provided prac­tical approaches to bring awareness, accessibility, and the utility of rtCGM to positively impact patient quality of life in practical applications. Managed care and payer professionals will find these real-world insights useful in characterizing the value of RT-CGM in health plan populations when making coverage determinations.

Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Timely Opportunities to Improve Quality of Life.” CGM Live Virtual Crossfire Series Recap. Part 2. Pharmacy Times Continuing Education. August 2021.

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January 18, 2023
Coverage and Benefit Design
Article / Publication

An expert panel composed of pharmacists and a payer professional discussed the value of RT-CGM and the role pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have in optimizing diabetes management. By making RT-CGM available to and allowing pharmacy professionals to work alongside patients, health care stakeholders can leverage the information offered by this technology to optimize diabetes management and mitigate disease impact. The panelists noted that coverage of RT-CGM through the pharmacy benefit facilitates access by allowing patients to fill their prescription directly at community pharmacies. The panelists’ insights are of use to managed care and payer professionals in determining optimal coverage policies for RT-CGM to improve outcomes among members with diabetes.

“Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Implications for Pharmacists.” CGM Live Virtual Crossfire Series Recap. Part 1. Pharmacy Times Continuing Education. May 2021.

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January 18, 2023
Coverage and Benefit Design
Article / Publication

A roundtable convened by the American Pharmacists Association reviewed the substantial body of evidence demonstrating that CGM is associated with improved glycemic control for patients with both T1D and T2D. Leading experts participating in the roundtable noted that CGM remains underutilized and that disparities in care are evident. One specific barrier to expanded utilization called out by the participants was the lack of an adequate number of providers who offer the service. Developing community pharmacy-based CGM services has been proposed as a logical solution for expanding patient access. Supporting this approach are the abundant data showing that pharmacist involvement in patient care for diabetes improves outcomes and reduces overall costs of care. Managed care and payer professionals will find this in-depth review and discussion valuable for developing their own policies for CGM coverage and access in the pharmacy setting.

American Pharmacists Association Foundation. “Expanding Access to Continuous Glucose Monitoring Technology in Community Pharmacies.” Practices Insights. May 2022.

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January 18, 2023
Population Health
Article / Publication

According to a survey administered by Employee Benefit News, at least 70% of employees find high stress, depression, asthma, or diabetes disruptive enough to affect their everyday lives, including work and other responsibilities. In response, the vast majority of employers (84%) are offering digital health tools in some form that can help employees manage common chronic conditions, although only an average of 50% of employees take advantage of these benefits. Research shows employees want flexible options that offer new innovative tools to treat their chronic conditions, in addition to education to help them get started with a new program. Third-party technology vendors can assist in driving employee engagement, mitigating rising health care costs, and creating better outcomes for employees. Managed care and payer professionals will find these insights useful for developing programs that offer value to purchasers of health care.

“Optimizing Digital Health Tools to Retain and Engage Employees.” Employee Benefit News Supplement.

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January 6, 2023
Article / Publication / CGM Innovations

Visit the site to learn more about the value and use of CGM in the hospital setting.

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January 6, 2023
Article / Publication / CGM Innovations

A comprehensive learning center for clinicians.

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January 6, 2023
Clinical Outcomes
Guidelines / Policy

The 2023 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes found Grade A evidence supporting the use of RT-CGM in adults with T1D or T2D on intensive insulin therapy and in adults with T2D on basal insulin. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) found Grade B evidence supporting the use of RT-CGM in children and adolescents with T1D on intensive insulin therapy and Grade E evidence for use of RT-CGM in children and adolescents with T2D on intensive insulin therapy. When used as an adjunct to pre- and postprandial BGM, RT-CGM can help to achieve HbA1c targets in pregnant patients with diabetes (Grade B). Based on input from experts, the ADA recommends continued access to RT-CGM through third party payers to people who have been using this technology.

American Diabetes Association. 7. Diabetes Technology: Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023. Diabetes Care. 2022; 46(Suppl 1):S111-S27.

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January 1, 2023
Coverage and Benefit Design
Guidelines / Policy

Effective January 1, 2023, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) is making selected continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices and sensors available to Medicare Advantage members at the pharmacy point-of-sale (POS). The systems affected by this change in policy include the Dexcom G6 as well as the FreeStyle Libre 2 and 14-day versions. CGMs were previously only available to UHC Medicare Advantage members through national durable medical equipment (DME) vendors. While availability through DME vendors will remain in place, the plan sought to improve access to CGMs for members by expanding to the pharmacy POS. Managed care decision makers should take note of this change in policy as an example of how national payers are leveraging the pharmacy channel as a means of enhancing coverage and member access to beneficial diabetes technologies.

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December 27, 2022
Clinical Outcomes
Article / Publication
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