October 18, 2022
Clinical Outcomes
Coverage and Benefit Design
CE Activities
ManagedCareCGM.com Presents: The Value of Streamlined Coverage for Real-Time CGM to Optimize Outcomes and Resource Utilization for Members with Diabetes

Intended Audience: This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of managed care pharmacy directors, clinical pharmacists, quality directors, medical directors, registered nurses, and other managed health care professionals.

Credit Available: Up to 1.0 credit hour available for nurses (ANCC), pharmacists (ACPE), and physicians (AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™)


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  • Review the latest data supporting the use of rtCGM to improve patient outcomes and reduce resource utilization in T1 and T2D
  • Assess the impact of social determinants of health (SDOH) on outcomes in diabetes among low-income and racial/ethnic minority populations
  • Describe the role of diabetes technology in increasing patient engagement and self-management across diverse member populations of varying age, race/ethnicity, income, and insurance type
  • Discuss the positive impact of electronic prior authorization for rtCGM under the pharmacy benefit in terms of provider administrative burden, access, and total cost of care


Monica Peek, MD, MPH, MS
Professor of Medicine
Associate Director
Chicago Center for Diabetes Translational Research
The University of Chicago Medicine

Samir Mistry, PharmD, MBA
Vice President of Pharmacy Strategy & Services
Capital Blue Cross

Kelly Close
Founder, The diaTribe Foundation
President, Close Concerns

Dana McCormick, RPh, FMACP (Moderator)
Director of Pharmacy
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas

Jointly provided by Impact Education, LLC, and Medical Education Resources.
This continuing education activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Dexcom, Inc.


October 12, 2022
Economic Outcomes
CGM Best Practices / Interview

Expert: Davida F. Kruger, MSN, APN-BC, BC-ADM, Certified Nurse Practitioner at Henry Ford Health System (HFHS)/Health Alliance Plan (HAP)

Summary: HFHS/HAP’s experience in moving continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) from the durable medical equipment (DME) benefit to pharmacy coverage, demonstrating substantial cost savings at the plan level.

Short on time? Click here for an abbreviated version of this video interview.


October 3, 2022
Population Health
Article / Publication

Source: Population Health Management

Programmatic integrated approaches have been used successfully and cost-effectively to manage various chronic conditions. The incorporation of rtCGM in similar integrated approaches to diabetes management presents an opportunity to improve quality outcomes and reduce costs on a population level. This publication details the evidence to suggest it may be time to support broader adoption to incorporate the use of rtCGM.

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September 23, 2022
Clinical Outcomes
Conference Updates

This infographic recap of real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) posters from the American Diabetes Association’s 82nd Scientific Sessions details where the latest cutting-edge advances in diabetes research, prevention, and care are presented. These posters highlight real-world evidence and are pertinent to managed care and payer decision makers for assessing the value of rtCGM in improving clinical outcomes, reducing avoidable healthcare utilization, and decreasing the burden of management.

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September 23, 2022
CGM Technology and Digital Health
CGM Best Practices / Interview

Expert: Thomas Grace, MD, Medical Director at the Blanchard Valley Diabetes Center

Summary: This video interview describes the clinical utility of using rtCGM in a primary care setting and the steps taken to implement a rtCGM-centered management program in a clinic. Dr. Grace also details the expansion of the rtCGM program to employees with diabetes, implemented through a partnership with a locally based Fortune 500 company. If you are a health plan care manager or if your role involves population health management, you won’t want to miss the progressive, value-driven approach shared by Dr. Grace and the ROI derived from rtCGM data and enhanced patient experience.

Short on time? Click here for an abbreviated version.


September 15, 2022
CGM Technology and Digital Health
CE Activities


Release Date: 9/15/2022
CE Expired

This activity is intended for primary care physicians and internal medicine physicians.

Upon completion of this activity, participants will:

  • Have increased knowledge regarding the Data supporting use of rtCGM in practice
  • Have greater competence related to Implementing practical strategies for
    using rtCGM in practice

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September 11, 2022
CGM Technology and Digital Health
Article / Publication

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Omni Pod 5 tubeless insulin pump technology for individuals aged 2 years and older with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Omnipod 5 is the first tubeless, wearable automated insulin delivery (AID) system that integrates with the Dexcom G6 real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) system and a compatible smartphone to automatically adjust insulin and help protect against both hyper- and hypoglycemia.

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August 11, 2022
Coverage and Benefit Design
Guidelines / Policy

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is revising its Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) standardized measures assessing plan performance for 2023. Notably, the 2023 dataset will include a new measure related to diabetes management: the risk-adjusted ratio of observed to expected emergency department visits for hypoglycemia among older adults (aged ≥67 years) with diabetes.

This measure reflects a key component of health plan quality pertaining to the management of diabetes, since older adults are more likely to experience severe hypoglycemia, potentially leading to several adverse outcomes: fall-related events and fractures, increased risk of cardiovascular events, and cognitive decline. Similarly, prevailing clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of older adults with diabetes emphasize the prevention of hypoglycemia as an important outcome. The new HEDIS measure provides an opportunity for health plans to identify older members with diabetes who are at highest risk of hypoglycemia and implement preventive interventions and more intensive management.

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July 15, 2022
Clinical Outcomes
Conference Updates

This infographic recaps real-time continuous glucose monitoring (rtCGM) abstracts from the 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2022) – where innovation in diabetes medicines and treatments, cutting-edge technologies, and the latest research is presented. These abstracts are pertinent to managed care and payer decision makers and help characterize the value of rtCGM in improving clinical outcomes, decreasing avoidable healthcare utilization, and decreasing the burden of diabetes care management.

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July 6, 2022
Coverage and Benefit Design
Economic Outcomes
Conference Updates

Key findings from the symposium at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) 2022 Annual Meeting.

Key Takeaways from Dr. Peek:
– rtCGM demonstrated a robust, sustained effect on glycemic control with fewer medications and no increase in insulin doses compared with
blood glucose monitoring (BGM) in the MOBILE RCT
– In the Kaiser analysis, rtCGM initiation reduced healthcare resource utilization for ER/admit due to hypoglycemia by 53%
– Expanded access to rtCGM is warranted based on these findings, particularly in underserved demographics disproportionately affected by

Key Takeaways from Dr. Mistry:
– Pharmacy coverage of rtCGM for members with T1 and T2D can result in reduced resource utilization from improvements in clinical
management as well as cost savings for health plans via administrative efficiencies

-rtCGM offers an opportunity for improved outcomes
and proven PMPM savings when covered under the pharmacy benefit

Key Takeaways from Kelly Close:
– CGM represents the single most important tool for improving clinical outcomes and quality of life for people with diabetes
– The lives of people with diabetes have improved exponentially over the past several decades, but continued advancement is possible
with increased access to CGM and the application of more sophisticated measures such as TIR

Jointly provided by Impact Education, LLC, and Medical Education Resources.
This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Dexcom, Inc.

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