Dexcom G7 RT-CGM Demonstrates Excellent Useability and Low Cognitive Burden in Older Adults
A task analysis and ease of use survey conducted among adults aged ≥65 years and certified diabetes care and education specialists (CDCESs) showed excellent useability associated with the new G7 RT-CGM system. Ease of use related to intradermal insertion and mobile app setup were assessed and compared to the fifth- and sixth-generation systems in the study, which recruited 10 older adults with no previous CGM experience and 10 CDCESs. The analysis revealed that approximately half as many tasks are needed to deploy the G7 system compared with the G6, resulting in excellent usability as assessed by older adults and CDCESs in the study, highlighted by a system usability score of 92.8. Cumulatively, these findings indicate a relatively low cognitive burden associated with the system compared with previous versions, simplifying the utilization of RT-CGM for older adults who are at higher risk for diabetes-related complications and stand to benefit from the implementation of diabetes technology. Managed care and payer decision makers may find the data presented in the study useful for informing coverage policy and criteria for RT-CGM in this vulnerable population of patients.
Psavko S, Katz N, Mirchi T, Green CR. Usability and Teachability of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in Older Adults and Diabetes Educators: Task Analysis and Ease-of-Use Survey. JMIR Hum Factors. 2022;9(4):e42057.